Wednesday 3 December 2008

Update, GameMaker Exporter and Company Direction

Hi all!

Thanks very much to all the early adopters who have purchased ImmunityCS and those of you who have taken the time to download the demo! We have had an unbelievable start since Thursday and would like to sincerely thank all of you who have supported us thus far.

The good news is, we haven't been slacking! We've been hard at work collecting all the early feedback for ImmunityCS, while working on new content and new features!


Well, the GameMaker community will be happy to know that the GameMaker exporter is
 planned to be released on Friday. Even better news, it will be FREE! The actual GameMaker template is complete and we're wrapping up the exporter as we speak! ... Yes, I know it's 1:18AM! ;)

Just like the MMF Exporter, it allows you to dynamically load in your iScapes, and the GameMaker template will automatically configure the background layers and collisions providing an astonishing level of compatibility with ImmunityCS.

Also, there is a character object that is pre-scripted for you to use in your games! Complete with a custom animation controller for many movements including standing, walking, running, crouching, crouch-walking, attacking and attacking while walking. You can easily add more if you wish.


We have several goals for this year. One of the two goals I'd like to talk about in this post is our dedication to become the most universal content tool on the market. 

Our aim is to be compatible with every major 2D game engine / multimedia development tool. This includes MMF, GameMaker, Torque, Flash and Director. By Friday, 2 of these products will already have dedicated exporters, and we have many more to come.

The second goal is Content. We are focusing on creating a vast library of content for the store which will be compatible with both ImmunityCS and other popular 3D formats. We encourage you to keep an eye on the store because you will see new content products becoming available almost every day! Including freebies!


More news and updates to come soon!

-Mel ;)