Wednesday 3 December 2008

Update, GameMaker Exporter and Company Direction

Hi all!

Thanks very much to all the early adopters who have purchased ImmunityCS and those of you who have taken the time to download the demo! We have had an unbelievable start since Thursday and would like to sincerely thank all of you who have supported us thus far.

The good news is, we haven't been slacking! We've been hard at work collecting all the early feedback for ImmunityCS, while working on new content and new features!


Well, the GameMaker community will be happy to know that the GameMaker exporter is
 planned to be released on Friday. Even better news, it will be FREE! The actual GameMaker template is complete and we're wrapping up the exporter as we speak! ... Yes, I know it's 1:18AM! ;)

Just like the MMF Exporter, it allows you to dynamically load in your iScapes, and the GameMaker template will automatically configure the background layers and collisions providing an astonishing level of compatibility with ImmunityCS.

Also, there is a character object that is pre-scripted for you to use in your games! Complete with a custom animation controller for many movements including standing, walking, running, crouching, crouch-walking, attacking and attacking while walking. You can easily add more if you wish.


We have several goals for this year. One of the two goals I'd like to talk about in this post is our dedication to become the most universal content tool on the market. 

Our aim is to be compatible with every major 2D game engine / multimedia development tool. This includes MMF, GameMaker, Torque, Flash and Director. By Friday, 2 of these products will already have dedicated exporters, and we have many more to come.

The second goal is Content. We are focusing on creating a vast library of content for the store which will be compatible with both ImmunityCS and other popular 3D formats. We encourage you to keep an eye on the store because you will see new content products becoming available almost every day! Including freebies!


More news and updates to come soon!

-Mel ;)

Thursday 27 November 2008

ImmunityCS and Content Store is now LIVE!

We're very proud to announce that ImmunityCS is now available from our new Immunity Content Store.

Simply sign up for a FREE ImmunityID and you will unlock access to Immunity Software Demos and free content!

We hope to see you there!

-Mel ;)

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Official ImmunityCS Release Dates & Info

Hi All!

The official Immunity Content launch will take place on Thursday 27th November!

ImmunityCS - Standard £34.99

The Standard version of ImmunityCS offers the full range of Immunity tools to create awesome multimedia content. You should purchase ImmunityCS - Standard if you intend to distribute your final project as freeware or shareware. You must also include a made-with-immunity banner in your final projects.

ImmunityCS - Pro £69.99

The Pro version of ImmunityCS allows you to distribute your content as freeware, shareware or commercial without the need for Immunity banners or other credits.

We hope to see you all sign up next thursday for access to the Immunity Demo and other freebies!

-Mel ;)

Thursday 2 October 2008

ImmunityCS - Just Days away!

Hi All!

We've now completely settled on a v1.0 release. As we speak the first batch of CDs are out being printed and we are expecting them back shortly .. The Content Store is on standby right now so we're waiting on a few more things to sort out before we go live!

I can't stress how excited we are right now! There's possitive vibes all over the office and we simply can't wait to get it out to you guys!

More news early next week on final pricing and a more solid release date!

-Mel ;)

Thursday 4 September 2008

Xwrap v1.8 - Mac Version & New Feature!

Xwrap v1.8 is here!

We now have A Full MAC VERSION of the Xwrap software!

We also have a new feature! You can now wrap ENTIRE Websites! This is great for converting web 2.0 apps into Mac native applications!

I have thrown 3 quicktime movies together to show you the types of things that are possible with Xwrap! Check out the movies and the new DEMOS (both PC and MAC ) here:

Immunity Xwrap WebSite (Scroll to the bottom!)

Thanks a lot guys, and stay tuned for more Immunity Updates! .. I can hear some news about CS about to emerge! ;)

Sunday 31 August 2008

Immunity Xwrap v1.5!

Immunity Xwrap v1.5 has been out for quite a few weeks now and for those of you who don't know, it offers some awesome new features!

Xwrap now allows you to wrap ANY Web applet into a native Mac OS X application!

Now if you think about this, this is massive! The possibilities are endless! We are now enabling Web Developers of any nature the ability to easily port their favourite Web Applets, be it Flash, Director Shockwave, Java, or any other mac-compatible Web Applet to the Mac as a NATIVE application.

NOTE: Forget about converting your old Flash projects with Adobe AIR! You will have to recode all the actionscript so it is compatible with v3.0, as well as a host of other options and settings you need to go through - With Xwrap! just select the applet and you're pretty much good to go! No Modification to the applet is required!

Xwrap allows you to easily wrap the web applet into a full blown application ready to be distributed to the Macintosh platform inside a handy Universal binary ( Both PowerPC and Intel based macs! ).

Stay tuned this week because Xwrap 1.8 will be released with support for wrapping ENTIRE websites into the application. We have also developed a MAC version of the Xwrap program so it will soon be available for both Windows and Mac OS X users!

We've got more Immunity News over the next few weeks to announce so make sure you stay tuned! This is a VERY exciting time for us!


Thursday 10 July 2008

Immunity Xwrap!

Hi All!

In the gaps of beta testing and bug fixes for CS, we have created another Windows program. 

Introducing.. Immunity Xwrap!

Xwrap is a very useful utility for any Java Developer who creates games and apps in the form of Web Applets.

Xwrap 'wraps' the java app with our Immunity Xwrap Framework and converts it into a NATIVE OS X Application! 

This is no interface-improved version of Jar Bundler either! As well as the ability to add custom 512x512 icons which appear in the finder, dock and your application dialogs; Xwrap allows you to set controls over the screen resolution, which types of windows to use, whether to use full-screen mode, and more!

Check out the features and download the FREE demo at:

Have fun!

-Mel ;)

Friday 13 June 2008

ImmunityCS reaches BETA


After almost 2 solid years of work, we're almost ready to launch ImmunityCS!

We're really excited about the software and we think it's going to change the way you create content FOREVER!

At the moment the BETA is internal which means we have recruited some BETA testers who will be actively testing it until we finalize the Immunity Content Store.

It's almost here!


Friday 6 June 2008

iCast Lighting Environments

iCast Lighting Environments

Another cool thing about iCast is that we have built in Lighting Environments! Not only does it come with loads of presets, but it also allows you to build your own! Once you've made your light map, it gets added to the preset list so you will always be able to access them in any other character you design!

.. I put together this diagram to show you guys the workflow:

Click on the picture to make it bigger!

Where we're at with iCast

We've pretty much added all the features we planned to add (And more!), which means all I need to do is program the export process .. Shouldn't take too long! ;)

We're getting closer!

-Mel ;)

iCast Portrait Builder

iCast Portrait Builder

This section of iCast allows you to build portraits / avatars for your games / multimedia projects.

Time for the screenie:

.. And you can get great results like this:

.. and this:

Not bad huh?

-Mel ;)

Thursday 22 May 2008

iCast .. Behind The Scenes!


Hi All!
I know that in the last week we've been updating like crazy! We're finally getting a lot closer to launching .. But I wanted to show off our crown jewels today! Presenting ..iCast!

We cannot describe the technical nightmare we went through over the last year to put this together! LOL

We first previewed iCast at CC07 and it was very much in its infancy.. We didn't have a character of our own to use at the time, so we used a proof-of-principle approach with some freebies we found around the net! LOL The screenshot above shows Mathias! Our warrior who comes FREE with iCS! ;)

The above screenshot shows iCast's "Appearance" Mode. In this section of the software, you can put together the character's appearance by customizing aspects of their body. For example, the skin layer is selected in the above screenshot. It is possible to add effects to each of the customizations independantly such as ADD, DARKEN, TRANSPARENCY, etc. You can then choose an environment to use as a light map. The above example shows our standard lighting map on the character, but we have LOADS built in too!

You can preview the character's animations, check out different viewpoints, and free rotate them to get a closer look.

Of course, there is a Preview mode, where you can even export the textures, load them up in your favourite graphics package and fine tune the texture map yourself! You can then load it back into iCast before exporting ALL the animations out with a simple click!

.. And yes! The MMF Exporter will take all these animations, package them into an Immunity Object, and you can simply drag and drop it into your 0wn project! You don't even have to waste time importing the frames!


We can't wait to show you more! .. Stay tuned!

Wednesday 21 May 2008

MMF2 Exporter - It's awesome!


Now here is something for all the MMF guys to get excited about! The immunity MMF2 Exporter makes it unbelievably easy to start making some seriously awesome games!

In a nutshell, here's what it does:

  • Can Export fully animated characters (Actors) that you can use by dragging them into your own MMF2 file. (More about exporting characters later!)
  • Can Export Music.
  • Can export levels (Scenes) - complete with background, collision engine, layer engine and top background layer!
  • Includes an (optional) pre-scripted MFA template to get you started right away!


Probably the only 'downer' when we first showed off ImmunityCS at the click convention was when you save an iScape scene, you would need to manually modify it to create layers, etc. to suit your game / project.

After thinking about this original flaw, we head back to the studio and starting working on how to make it as streamlined as possible. This is when we came up with the new features for iScape that would allow us to create collision detection inside of the program (instead of you having to code it in MMF yourself!), automatically creating the layers for the scene, and providing a pre-coded character and background layer engine to take advantage of it all!

I feel we did a great job in delivering this feature! Making games have never been this easy!


Inside the Template MFA is an "Immunity" Loader Object. All you need to do at this point is type the name of the level you want to load and the filename of the music you want to play.

If you are using iCast characters, there will be a seperate Immunity Object to drag them into your scene. The concept is the same, just type the name of the character, and it will be loaded with your game!


The MMF2 Exporter was made with our Widget system! Everything that this exporter does was made possible via the ImmunitySDK! We plan on seeing more exporters show up for different development software such as Flash, Director, etc.

We've got loads more to show you guys soon! Stay tuned!

Monday 19 May 2008

iSDK v1.0 - It's HERE!

Hi All!

Today, the ImmunitySDK is available at our affiliate forum here.

If you are good at scripting with Multimedia Fusion 2, you can sign up as a software affiliate to get exclusive access to the kit and start creating some great widgets!


It comes with:

- ImmunitySDK VE (Virtual Environment)
- Documentation (In high quality PDF format!)
- Commented MFA Examples
- Pre-Coded MFA Template

The SDK VE is a program that allows you to test your Widgets inside of the ImmunityCS interface! It's a great way to get involved with CS without having to buy any software, or make any financial investment! It's a fantastic opportunity for any MMF user!


With the SDK, you can create software as powerful as our main modules (iCast, iLoop, iScape, etc.). It has access to the same content libraries and user projects. The SDK will allow you to create small widgets such as calculators, or larger software that can be used to create exporters, extra content creators and more! Your imagination is the only limit!


When you want to create your widget, you need to announce it in the affiliate forum. An Immunity Mentor will then approve it. This is required to make sure that our affiliates are not competing against each other and therefore ends up in a more dynamic community, as well as more profit for the affiliate if they choose to sell it commercially in our Content Store.

Once the Widget has been created, you must then submit it to an Immunity Mentor so they can test the Widget and make sure it is safe for other users to install. Once the Mentor has verified the Widget, you can then choose to sell it commercially or have it freely available (FREEWARE). We will host it for free on our content store and send you royalties every month!


The only stipulation is that you are not allowed to host your Widget anywhere else other than our content store. You can advertise it anywhere, but the download must point back to the Immunity Content Store. If the Widget is FREEWARE, this works out even better for the affiliate as we handle all the bandwidth and we pay the fees! ;)

I hope to be seeing many of you sign up for our Software Affiliate Program!

Wednesday 9 April 2008

The ImmunityCS SDK ..

Hello all!

I know it's been a while since we have posted, the truth is that we have been working crazy hours for the last few months overcoming various technical obstacles but the good news is that we're back on track ..

Today we're announcing some details on our MMF based SDK ..


- No need to buy iCS. The SDK emulates the ImmunityCS program environment so you can fully test your widgets without having to purchase the software. Even though it would be nice if you do! LOL
- Includes Template .mfa to get you started
- Comes complete with documentation (as you would expect!)
- Open to all Software Affiliates who want to start creating great Immunity Widgets!
- Can access the iCS library to grab project resources such as music, graphics and animations.


- You must become an Immunity Software Affiliate. Visit out affiliate forum here to sign up. It's FREE!
- When creating widgits, you MUST adhere to the security and performance guidelines stated in the documentation.
- Your widgits MUST be approved by an Immunity Mentor before publishing it anywhere. Even if it is freeware.

and the most important question of all ..


The SDK will be available before the launch of iCS. We aim to have it available very soon - though remember the initial version will be an alpha and updates are likely to be regular.

I hope to see loads of you sign up for the Software Affiliate program!
